a free masterclass
breaking chains
liberate the wild woman.
Uncover where your ‘Good girl’ persona came from, and why it's time to liberate your Inner wild Woman.
"When women reassert their relationship with the wildest nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer worlds."
What is the Wild Woman and why do I need to liberate her?
The Wild Woman is an ancient archetype that lives within all of us.
She is un-tamed, and not afraid to reject society's rules in order to make great change which she knows is important and necessary.
Her intuition is clear and strong, and she uses it to guide her actions and strengthen her resolve.
Liberating the Wild Woman means inspiration and creativity come to you easily
You don't shame yourself for resting or taking breaks.
You don't over-intellectualize every single move or decision.
You know how to give AND receive pleasure.
Truth doesn't scare you.
In other words, the Wild Woman is the ultimate emanation of life force energy, and source of unlimited power.
the ‘good girl’ is the maiden archetype
How do you know you're still operating under the ‘Good Girl’ persona in your life and business?
Chronic and Paralyzing Overthinking: What to post, how much to charge, what Canva template to use
Over-giving: Packing your program with ALL the worksheets, meditations, energy healings, on top of bonus sessions to justify the cost of the program
Under-charging: You're scared of a failed launch or people saying ‘No’ so you lower the price of your offer as your go-to tactic for people to buy
Over-working: Doing all the busy work, checking all the boxes, forever on social media, never resting because you're scared you'll lose momentum
Fawning: Hopping from tactic to tactic, copying other people's business model because it feels safer to follow someone else's lead versus paving your own way
Diluting your message: You're scared to trigger people. You don't want to be misunderstood. You avoid rude comments at all costs so your messaging sounds nice and pleasant, yet NOTHING like what you actually think.
Outsourcing Power: Looking for permission externally. Pedestaling your mentor. Using social media metrics to validate that what you're saying makes sense. Blaming a coach or program for your lack of results.
What we'll cover
How liberating my Wild Woman has revolutionized my life and business -- including making $30k in 19 days, and $20k in 1 day.
How the ‘Good Girl’ persona manifests in business, and where it came from
A simple and quick exercise to tap into your Inner Wild Woman
Next steps for liberating your Wild Woman to expand your business and evolve your human.
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don't be fooled. just because it's free, it doesn't mean it's not packed full of information that will revolutionize how you move, think, speak, and operate as an empowered sovereign human and ceo!
Hey, I'm Drea
spiritual biz coach, babaylan, and
wild woman witch
After going through an intense ego death and a reckoning with my own identity around money, I knew I had to do it differently. I had to come back home to my truth and reclaim myself.
I entered Villain Era. Unsubscribing to moral perfectionism, and having a lot to say. And that truth felt edgy. Controversial. It made some people uncomfortable.
And while I lost followers, I powerfully gained soul clients. The next few months, I brought in $40k in the business, I was invited to three PR features, a speaker at a women's summit, and a number of podcasts. And manifested a new house.
Embodying my Wild Woman energy meant I was no longer performing to make others like me. I approached my business with more maturity and grounded leadership. My business is thriving, and so is my relationships and overall life.
"To find her, it is necessary for women to return to their instinctive lives, their deepest knowing. So, let us push on now and remember ourselves back to the wild soul. Let us sing her flesh back onto our bones. Shed any false coats we have been given. Don the true coat of powerful instinct and knowing. Infiltrate the psychic lands that once belonged to us. Unfurl the bandages, ready the medicine. Let us return now, wild women howling laughing, singing up The One who loves us so."
While we will cover entrepreneurship specifically, this will be helpful if you work corporate, are looking to start a business, or overall want to embody the Wild Woman in your life and relationships.
Think of this as the introduction to Re-Wilding: The Mastermind, where you'll gain a deeper understanding of theWHY, which the mastermind answers with the HOW.
Absolutely. The point is for you to gain the insights that will support you towards living a LIBERATED and SOVEREIGN life, while giving you next steps for then applying them to your business.